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8:54 am - December 12, 2002
to the girl i *know* is still reading this
you know what? you are STAYING on my profile until you tell me what in the hell happened, and why i'm such a "fucking blind bitch" because, no i haven't a clue what happened. i read your diary one day, and the next you were locked up.

just because i'm friends with people you don't like, it doesn't mean that i shouldn't be friends with them. i happened to like you. and i could give a rats ass that you have a eating disorder. if you want to destroy your body because you think you're "fat" (which i don't think you are- from your picture you are a very beautiful girl, and the farthest thing from fat) then fine. i won't understand that (like you said to some of us), ever, so i won't even try. but that doesn't stop me from being a friend and respecting your opinions.

and i will still be friends with candace. whatever happened with that, i have no idea. and it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with me. i generally stay out of things that don't have anything to do with me. if that's why you suddenly are calling me a bitch, then i definitly see something wrong with that. i will be friends with who i want to be friends with. i like her. in my opinion, she's cool. i thought you were cool too. and i'm not going to go against someone all of a sudden, based on what other people say. i make my own opinions.

but if you are going to sit there and make accusations towards me without explaining them (as i haven't done anything against you- why would i? i thought we were friends) then i will leave you on my profile, until i get a decent answer.

that's that.


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